Transactions in SQL

Ensuring Data Integrity and Consistency.


In the world of database management, transactions are important for maintaining the integrity, consistency, and reliability of data. In SQL, a transaction is executing a sequence of one or more SQL operations as a single work unit is. Transactions are helpful for making sure that all operations within a group are completed successfully without any error; if any operation fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, leaving the database unchanged.

It allows multiple operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or even multiple SELECT statements, to be treated as one logical operation. Transactions are used in cases where a series of dependent actions must either all succeed or fail together to ensure data integrity.

Transactions follow the ACID principles:

  • Atomicity: All operations in a transaction either succeed or fail as one unit.
  • Consistency: Transactions maintain database integrity by transforming the database from one valid state to another.
  • Isolation: Transactions operate independently, preventing conflicts when multiple transactions access the same data.
  • Durability: Once a transaction is committed, the changes are permanent, even if the system crashes.

Example of SQL  transaction in Customer Management System:

  • Create a new order for a customer.
  • Update the customer’s balance.

We need to ensure that both actions are completed successfully; otherwise, roll back the transaction to avoid data inconsistency.

This section will help you understand the fundamentals of transactions in SQL, their properties, and practical applications to help you write robust SQL code.

Transaction Control Commands

Use the following commands to manage transactions in SQL, 

  • BEGIN TRANSACTION: It shows a transaction is starting.
  • COMMIT: Saves all changes made during the transaction to the database permanently.
  • ROLLBACK: Return the database to its state before the transaction began. It reverts all changes made during the transaction.
  • SAVE TRANSACTION: Creates a checkpoint within a transaction to which you can roll back without affecting the entire transaction.

Let us take an example of the customer management system to understand these four commands. 


The BEGIN TRANSACTION command marks the starting point of a transaction. Following this command, all SQL statements are executed as part of the transaction until either commit or rollback the transaction executed. 

-- Start the transaction
  1. COMMIT:

The COMMIT command makes all changes made during the transaction permanent. The changes cannot be reversed once a transaction is committed.


    -- Step 1: Insert a new order for customer_id 101
    INSERT INTO Orders (OrderID, customer_id, OrderDate, OrderAmount)
    VALUES (1001, 101, GETDATE(), 200.00);

    -- Step 2: Update the customer's balance
    UPDATE Customers
    SET Balance = Balance - 200.00
    WHERE customer_id = 101;

    -- Commit the transaction
    PRINT 'Transaction committed successfully. Order added and customer balance updated.';

The ROLLBACK command undoes all changes made during the transaction, returning the database to its state before the transaction began.


    INSERT INTO Orders (OrderID, customer_id, OrderDate, OrderAmount)
    VALUES (1001, 101, GETDATE(), 200.00);

    UPDATE Customers
    SET Balance = Balance - 200.00
    WHERE customer_id = 101;

    PRINT 'Transaction committed successfully.';

    -- Rollback the transaction in case of error
    PRINT 'Transaction rolled back due to an error: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE();

The SAVE TRANSACTION command marks a savepoint within a transaction. It allows you to roll back part of a transaction without affecting the entire transaction. This is used in complex transactions where you may need to undo certain operations but retain others.

Example: Using savepoints.


-- First update
UPDATE Products 
SET Stock = Stock - 1 
WHERE ProductID = 101;


-- Second update
UPDATE Orders 
SET Status = 'Processed' 
WHERE OrderID = 2001;

-- Rollback to the savepoint if needed

-- Commit the rest of the transaction

In this example, the transaction can be rolled back to the SavePoint1, preserving the first update but undoing the second.

Best Practices

  • Keep transactions short: Long transactions can lock resources for extended periods, impacting performance.
  • Use proper error handling: Always manage potential errors with TRY...CATCH blocks.
  • Choose appropriate isolation levels: Higher isolation levels offer more consistency but may slow down performance due to increased locking.
  • Use explicit transactions wisely: Avoid unnecessary use of explicit transactions for simple operations.


Transactions are essential for ensuring data integrity, consistency, and error handling in multi-step operations. By understanding the use of transactions and their isolation levels, you can build robust, fault-tolerant applications in MS SQL, especially in customer management systems where transactional consistency is crucial.

Asked in Interview

  • What are the potential risks of using an UPDATE statement without a transaction?
  • What are Transactions? Explain COMMIT and ROLLBACK.
  • What are ACID properties in a database? Why are they important?
  • What are the different types of transactions in SQL?
  • What are the transaction control commands in SQL?
  • What happens if a transaction fails halfway through?
  • How would you roll back a transaction after a specific point?
  • What are transaction isolation levels? Can you explain them?
  • What is a nested transaction, and how does it behave in SQL?
  • How can you handle errors within a transaction in SQL?
  • You are updating multiple related tables as part of a transaction. What steps would you take to ensure the integrity of the data?