User Defined Funtion (UDFs)

Reusable logic.


User Defined Functions (UDFs) in SQL Server are custom functions that allow developers to encapsulate reusable logic within a database. A UDF can accept parameters, perform actions, and return either a scalar value or a table. UDFs improve query readability, maintainability, and reusability by isolating complex operations into simple, reusable functions.

Types of UDFs

There are two main types of UDFs in MS SQL:

  1. Scalar UDFs: Returns a single scalar value, such as an integer, string, or date.
  2. Table-Valued UDFs: Returns a result set (a table).

Creating a Scalar UDF

Scalar UDFs return a single value, and they are useful for calculations or simple transformations that need to be applied across multiple queries.


CREATE FUNCTION FunctionName (@Parameter DataType)
RETURNS ReturnDataType
    -- Function logic
    RETURN ReturnValue;

Example: A function to calculate customer loyalty points based on their total spending.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CalculateLoyaltyPoints(@TotalSpent DECIMAL(10, 2))
    DECLARE @LoyaltyPoints INT;
    IF @TotalSpent > 1000
        SET @LoyaltyPoints = 100;
        SET @LoyaltyPoints = 50;

    RETURN @LoyaltyPoints;

This function takes the total amount spent by a customer as input and returns loyalty points based on a defined logic.


SELECT first_name, dbo.CalculateLoyaltyPoints(TotalSpent) AS LoyaltyPoints
FROM Customers;

Creating a Table-Valued UDF

Table-valued UDFs return an entire table, making them useful when the logic requires returning a result set that can be used in a JOIN or subquery.


CREATE FUNCTION FunctionName (@Parameter DataType)
    -- Query returning table data

Example: A function to return a list of customers who made purchases above a certain amount.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CustomersWithHighSpending(@MinSpent DECIMAL(10, 2))
    SELECT customer_id, first_name, TotalSpent
    FROM Customers
    WHERE TotalSpent > @MinSpent

This function returns a table with customers whose total spending exceeds a specified amount.


SELECT * FROM dbo.CustomersWithHighSpending(500);

Inline Table-Valued UDF

Inline table-valued functions are a more concise form of table-valued UDFs, where the BEGIN and END blocks are not used, and the query is returned directly.

Example: A function to list customers who have made a purchase in the last year.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.RecentCustomers(@Year INT)
    SELECT customer_id, first_name, PurchaseDate
    FROM Purchases
    WHERE YEAR(PurchaseDate) = @Year

This function returns all customers who made a purchase during a specified year.

Benefits of UDFs

  • Reusability: UDFs can be reused in multiple queries, reducing code duplication.
  • Modularity: UDFs encapsulate logic into manageable units, improving the organization and readability of queries.
  • Maintainability: Changes to logic need to be made only in the function, making it easier to maintain.
  • Security: UDFs enhance security by allowing users to execute predefined logic without directly accessing or modifying tables.

Limitations of UDFs

  • Performance Overhead: UDFs, especially scalar UDFs, can have performance drawbacks when used in large-scale queries. They are executed row by row, which can slow down query execution.
  • No Side Effects: UDFs cannot perform any operations that modify the database state, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
  • Limited Transactions: UDFs do not support transactions within their body, which limits some advanced use cases.

Practical use of UDFs

In a customer management system, UDFs can be used to:

  • Calculate loyalty points for customers based on their purchases.
  • Retrieve customer details based on specific business logic (e.g., customers who qualify for certain offers).
  • Implement business rules that can be reused across different queries, such as applying discounts or identifying high-spending customers.

Example: A function to retrieve customers who are eligible for a loyalty program.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.EligibleForLoyalty(@MinPurchases INT)
    SELECT customer_id, first_name 
    FROM Customers 
           FROM Purchases 
           WHERE Purchases.customer_id = Customers.customer_id) > @MinPurchases


UDFs in MS SQL offer powerful capabilities for creating reusable, modular, and maintainable SQL logic. While they come with certain limitations, their benefits in structuring complex business rules outweigh the drawbacks, especially when used carefully with performance in mind.

Asked in Interview

  • What are user-defined functions (UDFs) in SQL?
  • What are the different types of UDFs in SQL?
  • Difference Between UDFs and Stored Procedures
  • What are some performance issues related to UDFs in SQL?
  • What are the limitations of UDFs in SQL?
  • Can UDFs return multiple output values?