Formatting Data

Change data format.


When managing data, presenting data in a clear and consistent format is crucial for both readability and analysis. Formatting data in SQL allows you to adjust the appearance of the results without altering the actual data stored in the database. This chapter will cover common data formatting techniques in MS SQL, with examples tailored to a CMS.

In MS SQL, you can format data such as dates, numbers, and strings to meet your requirements. Functions like FORMAT, CONCAT, and SUBSTRING help control how data is displayed.

Example In a CMS, you may need to display customer names in a consistent format, such as concatenating first and last names, or format phone numbers in a standardized way for reports.

Formatting Dates

MS SQL provides several ways to format date values. For instance, you may want to display the customer's registration date in a specific format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD).

  • Syntax:

    SELECT FORMAT(date_column, 'format_pattern') AS formatted_date
    FROM table_name;
  • Example: Displaying customer registration dates in MM/DD/YYYY format:

      SELECT customer_name, 
         FORMAT(date_created, 'MM/dd/yyyy') AS formatted_registration_date
    FROM Customers;
  • Common Date Formats:

    • MM/dd/yyyy → 10/12/2024
    • yyyy-MM-dd → 2024-10-12
    • dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy → Saturday, October 12, 2024

In a customer management system, formatting registration or birth dates this way makes it easier to generate reports or notifications in a readable format.

Formatting Numbers

Formatting numeric data is crucial when dealing with currency, percentages, or large numbers. MS SQL allows formatting numbers with commas, decimals, or even as percentages.

  • Syntax:

    SELECT FORMAT(number_column, 'N2') AS formatted_number
    FROM table_name;
  • Example: Formatting customer account balances with two decimal places:

    SELECT customer_name, 
           FORMAT(account_balance, 'N2') AS formatted_balance
    FROM Customers;

    This will display numbers with commas and two decimal places, e.g., 10,000.50.

  • Example: If the account balance needs to be displayed as currency:

    SELECT customer_name, 
           FORMAT(account_balance, 'C', 'en-US') AS formatted_balance
    FROM Customers;

    This will display $10,000.50 for US currency formatting.

String Formatting

String manipulation is common in customer management systems, where customer names, addresses, and other personal data must be formatted consistently.

  • Concatenating Strings: You can use CONCAT to combine customer first and last names.

    SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) AS full_name
    FROM Customers;
  • Padding Strings: You can pad strings to ensure they meet a certain length using FORMAT or REPLICATE. For example, if customer IDs need to be 10 characters long, you can pad them with zeros:

    SELECT FORMAT(customer_id, 'D10') AS padded_customer_id
    FROM Customers;
  • Trimming Strings: Use LTRIM or RTRIM to remove leading or trailing spaces from customer addresses.

    SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(customer_address)) AS trimmed_address
    FROM Customers;

Formatting Data for Reports

In customer management systems, generating reports with well-formatted data is essential for managers and stakeholders. Use FORMAT to adjust how information appears in reports, such as displaying customer lifetime values (CLV) with currency formatting or showing percentages for customer retention rates.

  • Example: Formatting Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) for a report:

    SELECT customer_name, 
           FORMAT(customer_lifetime_value, 'C', 'en-US') AS formatted_clv
    FROM Customers;

    Display percentages for customer retention rate:

    SELECT customer_name, 
           FORMAT(retention_rate, 'P2') AS formatted_retention_rate
    FROM Customers;

    This would display percentages with two decimal points, e.g., 85.35%.


Formatting data in a customer management system helps ensure clarity and consistency across reports and user interfaces. This section covered how to format dates, numbers, and strings, and how to handle NULL values to ensure your output is both user-friendly and informative. When working with large datasets or generating reports, leveraging formatting functions can make a significant difference in the presentation of your data.

Asked in Interview

  • How would you format customer IDs to be 10 characters long, padded with leading zeros?
  • How would you format a 10-digit phone number as "(XXX) XXX-XXXX" in SQL?
  • Why do we need to format data?