Cross Joins and Self Joins

Advanced Joins.


Joins are essential for combining data from two or more tables based on related columns. While most common joins link tables using matching conditions, Cross Joins and Self Joins serve specific purposes that don’t always rely on key relationships.

  • Cross Join: Combines every row from one table with every row from another, creating a Cartesian product.
  • Self Join: Joins a table with itself, useful for comparing rows within the same table.

We have already covered basic joins in beginner section.

In this Section, we’ll explore both types of joins, with customer management examples.

Cross Joins

A Cross Join produces a Cartesian product by combining every row in the first table with every row in the second table. Cross joins are useful when you need to generate combinations of data, such as pairing every customer with every available product.

  • Syntax:
    SELECT * 
    FROM Table1
    CROSS JOIN Table2;

Example: Customer and Product Pairings Imagine a business scenario where you want to explore all potential customer-product pairings, whether they’ve made a purchase or not.

Example: Pair each customer with all available products to identify potential promotional opportunities.

SELECT c.first_name, p.product_name 
FROM Customers c 
CROSS JOIN Products p;

Here, every customer will be paired with every product. If there are 10 customers and 5 products, the result will be 50 rows.

Practical Uses for Cross Joins

  • Generating All Combinations: Cross joins help in scenarios like inventory planning, where you need to list combinations of all possible elements.
  • Mathematical Models: Useful in creating combinations for calculations like pricing models or decision-making scenarios.

Self Joins

A Self Join occurs when a table is joined with itself. It’s helpful when comparing rows within the same table. You alias the table to give it two different "roles" in the query.

  • Syntax:
    SELECT a.Column1, b.Column2
    FROM TableName a
    JOIN TableName b
    ON a.CommonField = b.CommonField;

Example: Customer Referral System

Let’s say a business tracks which customers referred others. You store both the referred customer and the referrer in the same Customers table.

Example: List customers along with the names of those who referred them.

SELECT c1.first_name AS ReferredCustomer, 
       c2.first_name AS ReferringCustomer 
FROM Customers c1
JOIN Customers c2
ON c1.referred_by= c2.customer_id;

In this case, c1 refers to the customer who was referred, and c2 refers to the customer who made the referral.

Practical Uses for Self Joins

  • Hierarchical Data: Self joins are perfect for hierarchical structures like employee-manager relationships or customer referral systems.
  • Finding Duplicates: Use self joins to compare rows in the same table to identify duplicates or related entries.

Key Differences and Considerations

  • Cross Join:
    • Doesn’t need a condition to join tables.
    • Results in a Cartesian product, which can create a large number of rows if not used carefully.
    • Best for generating all combinations of data.
  • Self Join:
    • Always involves a comparison of rows within the same table.
    • Requires an alias to differentiate between the two instances of the same table.
    • Useful for hierarchical data and comparing data in the same table.
AspectCross JoinSelf Join
DefinitionCombines every row from two tables.Joins a table with itself.
Rows in Result SetReturns the Cartesian product of two tables.Returns rows where the join condition matches.
Use CaseUsed for all combinations of rows.Used to find relationships within the same table.
ExamplePair all products with all regions.Find employees and their managers in the same table.

Combining Cross Joins and Self Joins

Let’s combine the two concepts to create a more complex query. Suppose you want to pair each customer with all products and check if the customer was referred by another customer.

Example: Generate combinations of customers and products, while also showing the referring customer.

SELECT c1.first_name AS Customer, 
       c2.first_name AS ReferringCustomer 
FROM Customers c1
CROSS JOIN Products p
LEFT JOIN Customers c2
ON c1.referred_by= c2.customer_id;

This query generates all combinations of customers and products, and shows the name of the customer who referred each one (if applicable).

Best Practices for Using Cross Join

  • Understand the Use Case: Only use CROSS JOIN when a Cartesian product is actually needed, such as generating all combinations of records for comparisons or pairing data.

  • Limit the Dataset: Apply filtering after the CROSS JOIN to reduce the size of the result set and improve performance.

  • Avoid on Large Tables: Since CROSS JOIN multiplies rows, use it with caution on large datasets to avoid performance issues or memory overflow.

Best Practices for Using Self Join

  • Define the Relationship Clearly: Make sure to define the relationship between rows properly using appropriate JOIN conditions. Use aliases to differentiate between the instances of the same table.

  • Filter the Data: Add a filter to avoid unnecessary rows and make the join more efficient.

  • Performance Considerations: Be aware that SELF JOINs on large tables can be resource-intensive. Ensure that proper indexing is in place to support the join, especially on the columns used in the ON clause.


Both Cross Joins and Self Joins serve unique roles in SQL queries. Cross joins are perfect for generating combinations of data, while self joins allow for the comparison of rows within the same table. Understanding how and when to use these joins will help you perform complex queries and retrieve meaningful insights.

Asked in Interview

  • What is a SELF JOIN? Provide an example.
  • Explain CROSS JOIN and write an example query.
  • How many rows will the result of a Cross Join contain if Table A has 10 rows and Table B has 5 rows?
  • Write a query to find pairs of products from the same category in a Products table using a Self Join.
  • How does a Self Join affect performance, and how can you optimize it?