Wildcards in MS SQL

Flexible Data Filtering.

Introduction to Wildcards

Wildcards in MS SQL allow you to perform pattern matching in WHERE clauses when searching for data. They are useful for retrieving records that meet flexible criteria, especially when exact matches are not sufficient. Wildcards are typically used with the LIKE operator to identify strings that match a particular pattern.

Wildcards offer significant flexibility in managing data, particularly when working with partial strings or uncertain user inputs. In customer management, wildcards can be essential for tasks like filtering customers by partial names, phone numbers, or email domains.

Types of Wildcards in MS SQL

  1. The Percent (%) Wildcard

The % wildcard represents zero, one, or multiple characters. It's used to match any sequence of characters.

Example: Find customers whose names start with 'J'.

SELECT customer_name 
FROM Customers 
WHERE customer_name LIKE 'J%';

This query returns customers like "John," "Jane," and "Jim," as it looks for any name starting with 'J'.

  1. The Underscore (_) Wildcard

The _ wildcard represents a single character. It's useful for finding values where you know part of a string but not the exact characters in a specific position.

Example: Find customers with names that start with 'A' and have exactly five characters.

SELECT customer_name 
FROM Customers 
WHERE customer_name LIKE 'A____';

This will return names like "Alice" or "Aaron" but not "Alexandra" because it only matches names with exactly five characters.

  1. The Square Brackets ([]) Wildcard Square brackets allow you to specify a range or set of characters. It's useful for narrowing down search results to those containing specific characters in certain positions.

Example: Find customers whose names start with 'A', 'B', or 'C'.

SELECT customer_name 
FROM Customers 
WHERE customer_name LIKE '[ABC]%';

This query retrieves all customer names beginning with either 'A', 'B', or 'C', like "Alice," "Brian," and "Cathy."

  1. The Caret (^) Wildcard

The caret ^ negates a set of characters, meaning it will match anything except the characters specified in the brackets.

Example: Find customers whose names do not start with 'A', 'B', or 'C'.

SELECT customer_name 
FROM Customers 
WHERE customer_name LIKE '[^ABC]%';

This returns customers whose names start with any letter other than 'A', 'B', or 'C'.

  1. The Hyphen (-) Wildcard

The hyphen is used inside square brackets to define a range of characters. It helps specify all possible characters within a certain range.

Example: Find customers whose names start with any letter from 'M' to 'P'.

SELECT customer_name 
FROM Customers 
WHERE customer_name LIKE '[M-P]%';

This will return names like "Mark," "Paul," or "Nina."

Using Wildcards

  1. Searching for Customers by Partial Email Domains Wildcards can be effective when customers have similar email domains but variations in other parts of their email addresses.

Example: Find all customers with a Gmail email account.

SELECT customer_name, Email 
FROM Customers 
WHERE Email LIKE '%@gmail.com';

The % wildcard here helps find any string of characters before '@gmail.com'.

  1. Filtering Customers by Phone Number Format Wildcards can be used to retrieve customers based on partial or specific phone number patterns.

Example: Find customers with phone numbers that start with the area code '555'.

SELECT customer_name, PhoneNumber 
FROM Customers 
WHERE PhoneNumber LIKE '555%';

The query uses % to match any phone number starting with '555'.

  1. Finding Customers Based on Last Names In customer management, you may want to find customers whose last names contain specific patterns.

Example: Find customers whose last names end with 'son'.

SELECT customer_name 
FROM Customers 
WHERE customer_name LIKE '%son';

This query finds customers with last names like "Johnson" or "Wilson."

  1. Searching for Customers with Specific Word Lengths in Names Wildcards help when you need to match names based on their character count.

Example: Find customers whose names contain exactly seven letters.

SELECT customer_name 
FROM Customers 
WHERE customer_name LIKE '_______';

This query retrieves names like "William" or "Jessica."

Combining Wildcards

You can combine different wildcards to form complex patterns, allowing for highly specific data searches.

Example: Find customers whose names start with 'S' and contain an 'a' in the third position.

SELECT customer_name 
FROM Customers 
WHERE customer_name LIKE 'S_a%';

This will return names like "Sara," "Sam," or "Sean."

Performance Considerations

While wildcards are powerful, they can sometimes slow down query performance, especially when used in conjunction with % at the beginning of a search pattern. This is because the database engine has to scan more rows to find matches.

Performance Tip: Avoid using % at the beginning of a search pattern ('%something'), as it forces a full table scan. Instead, try to use more specific patterns that allow the database to utilize indexes.


Wildcards provide flexibility and power in querying databases, making them essential for handling uncertain or incomplete data. Whether searching for customer records by partial names, phone numbers, or email domains, wildcards enable precise and efficient data retrieval. However, as with any tool, they must be used thoughtfully to balance flexibility with performance.